角落发射箱 catalyzing local business, 创业


This article is part of a series celebrating the five-year anniversary of 创造免费mg不朽情缘试玩’s LaunchBox and Innovation Hub Network. 点击这里了解更多. 

宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. -位于新肯辛顿市中心的第五大道, 角落发射箱 has helped a majority of the businesses on its own street, 作为回报, 帮助振兴了小镇的商业区. The innovation space has directly helped or interacted with more than 80% of small businesses within the downtown corridor, 提供编程, 商业建议, networking events and other resources to the community. 

自2017年开业以来, 角落启动箱已经帮助了194名企业家, 主持88场社区活动, 并帮助创造了32个就业机会和15个实习机会. 在过去的几年里, its clientele has mostly consisted of local small businesses and community members. 

“角落发射箱 is a part of something so much bigger,科琳·库尔森说, manager of strategic communications and marketing at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. “It was meant to be a catalyst for change, and it certainly has been and continues to be. We offer our signature programs, but we’re also here to serve the community. To see what has happened in several short years has been fantastic, 一切都始于角落发射箱.” 

21个创新空间之一 创建免费mg不朽情缘试玩发射箱和创新中心网络, 角落发射箱 offers co-working and office space, 加速器, 以及法律和知识产权方面的建议. 它还提供了获得导师的机会, 或者“角落教练”,,他们在预算等领域提供免费建议, 税, 人力资源. 

Accelerators offered by 角落发射箱 include a 10-week Opportunity Accelerator, 帮助参与者深入挖掘客户, 以及为期四周的创意测试实验室, helping people discover the value of their business 的想法. 

保存, 一家位于新肯辛顿的唱片店, 购买, 销售和交易黑胶唱片, cd和盒式磁带, is a business that has participated in a variety of programs offered by 角落发射箱. 2019年开始保存, owner AJ Rassau has since grown his business to also include a concert venue and event space housed, 和商店一起, in a former church in downtown 新肯辛顿 that he bought and renovated in 2020. 

目前, 角落发射箱 hosts monthly open houses for entrepreneurs, 创新者, 和企业. During these open houses, visitors can use the space and learn about LaunchBox programing. 除了, 创新空间每月举办一次演讲系列, where there is a dedicated entrepreneurial speaker plus networking opportunities. 

“新肯辛顿 is a diverse area that has a long-storied history,Alyssa pistinzi说, 角落发射箱的社区运营经理. “The impact Penn State has made, helping regenerate and revitalize here, has been tremendous. We’re very proud that we’ve been able to help so many people realize their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.” 

角落发射箱 partners with other organizations including the SBA, which provides resources and programs for veterans and minority-owned businesses. The innovation space also works with the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University, which creates economic opportunities for women through entrepreneurial education and training, 指导, 和网络. 

2022年春天, 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, a digital innovation lab, is scheduled to open a couple blocks away from 角落发射箱. The Digital Foundry will provide access to modern software tools to assist new product development, 制造业, 自动化, 操作, 以及全面的业务管理. This digital innovation lab will work in tandem with the 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校-spearheaded Nextovation initiative, which focuses on real change and regional revitalization in the new digital economy. 作为创业策略, 的想法, 和思考是在角落发射箱教授的, the Digital Foundry will further allow 创新者 to gain hands-on experience and training with the technology. 

“With the Digital Foundry becoming a part of our ecosystem, it’s about transforming a small Rust Belt town into the future with all of these pieces, 包括角落发射箱,库尔森说. “We hope this becomes a model that other communities like ours can use, 与大学, 私人, 以及公共伙伴关系.” 


创造免费mg不朽情缘试玩 is a commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, 创造就业机会和学生事业成功. 

The 创建免费mg不朽情缘试玩发射箱和创新中心网络 is made up of 21 innovation spaces embedded in Penn State campus communities offering no-cost co-working space, makerspace, 加速器项目, 球场比赛, 系列讲座, 接触专家和导师, 以及免费mg不朽情缘试玩法律诊所提供的法律和知识产权咨询. 开业5年, the 创建免费mg不朽情缘试玩发射箱和创新中心网络 has supported 3,325名社区企业家, 创造了194.5 jobs, and helped to launch 164 new 宾西法尼亚 companies. 礼品支持网络, as well as select economic development initiatives across the commonwealth, are a priority of the University’s current fundraising campaign, "打造21世纪卓越的宾州大学.” 

To learn more about how to make a gift and secure a match before the campaign concludes on June 30, 2022, 联系希瑟·温菲尔德 (电子邮件保护). 有关活动的资料,请浏览 greaterpennstate.事业单位.edu. 

要找一个离你近的地方,请访问 发明.事业单位.edu/programs/pa-innovation-hubs. 

要查看更多免费mg不朽情缘试玩附属的创业公司,请访问 StartupNavigator.事业单位.edu. 寻求资源的企业家可以访问 ResourceNavigator.事业单位.edu.